Version 4


Created by: Lee LaMont Bell Jr., Last modification: 09 Jul 2005 (03:37 UTC) by Lee LaMont Bell Jr.


This is a proposal page for the AddPoll Data Plugin. Any information given here is subject to change without notification. The AddPoll Plugin does Not Exist at this time.


The idea behind this plugin is to add an existing Poll to a Page. The Poll should take the minimum amount of space on the page & provide the ability to vote on the poll.

So What Would It Do?

I'm thinking about sites that provide User Ratings like Other sites provide thumbs up / thumbs down (stars / harts / or whatever) ratings. Something like:
ImageImage Image ImageImageImageImageImage Image ImageImageImage

What Shouldn't It Do?

I don't believe that the user should be taken away from the page - to vote or for anything else. Comments and any other information should be embeded in the Plugin (in the form of a dropdown hidden box)

How Would This Plugin be used ?

This page is an excelent example of where this plugin should be used. It would allow users to decide if they like it or not / add comments for others.


I didn't realize it when I first brought this idea up - but bitweaver no longer has a Polling Package. A Polling Package is manditory for this plugin to function.

Page History
12 Jul 2005 (04:41 UTC)
Changed Name of Page - StarRider
Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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