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Tabbed Pages

Creating tabbed pages in Bitweaver is made extremely easy through the use of
custom smarty tags provided by the framework.

You can use the following tags within a smarty template file
to set this up:

defines a block of multiple tabs. End the block with {/jstabs}

{jstab title="Text to appear on Tab"}
defines one of the tabbed pages along with the text that will appear
in the tab area. End with {/jstab}

{legend legend="Page Legend"}
Places the legend text at the top of the page formatted according the
current css rules in use. End with {/legend}


{jstab title="Sample Tab1"}
{legend legend="This is the Legend"}

Anything you put here will be on a tab


{jstab title="Sample Tab2"}
{legend legend="Tab2 Legend Text"}

This is on the second tabbed page


{jstab title="Sample Tab3"}
{legend legend="And now were at tab 3"}

Anything you put here will be on a tab


And the result looks like this (using the default style)


Creating tabbed pages in Bitweaver is made extremely easy through the use of custom smarty tags provided by the framework.

You can use the following tags within a smarty template file to set this up:

{jstabs} defines a block of multiple tabs. End the block with {/jstabs}

{jstab title="Text to appear on Tab"} defines one of the tabbed pages along with the text that will appear in the tab area. End with {/jstab}

{legend legend="Page Legend"} Places the legend text at the top of the page formatted according the current css rules in use. End with {/legend}

{jstab title="Sample Tab1"}
{legend legend="This is the Legend"}

Anything you put here will be on a tab page


{jstab title="Sample Tab2"}
{legend legend="Tab2 Legend Text"}

This is on the second tabbed page


{jstab title="Sample Tab3"}
{legend legend="And now were at tab 3"}

Anything you put here will be on a tab page


And the result looks like this (using the default style)

Page History
12 Aug 2005 (05:50 UTC)
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