-!!This is Documenation for the Javascript library [http://prototype.conio.net/|Prototype].
+!!This is Documentation for the Javascript library [http://prototype.conio.net/|Prototype]. |
[http://prototype.conio.net/|Prototype] is a JavaScript framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications. Featuring a unique, easy-to-use toolkit for class-driven development and the nicest Ajax library around, Prototype is quickly becoming the codebase of choice for Web 2.0 developers everywhere.
-The Documentation has been split up into the following pages so far:
+Please be advised that prototype can adversely effect some existing javascripts and in places it secretly modifies some of JavaScripts default behavior. Before proceeding with prototype it is worth considering [http://blog.metawrap.com/blog/PermaLink,guid,42b961d5-b539-4d9a-b1e0-108e546ae3e6.aspx|James Mc Parlane's Rejection] of prototype. |
+ |
+The Documentation is split among the following pages: |
+*((PrototypeUtilityFunctions)) |
++Commonly used javascript functions shortened to save you time. |
+*((PrototypeJavascriptExtensions)) |
++Extensions of Javascripts existing classes and functions |
+*((PrototypeElementFunctions)) |
++For basic Dom Element manipulation |
+*((PrototypeAjaxObject)) |
++Simplified AJAX handling |
+*((PrototypeMerge)) |
++All Prototype Documentation on Bitweaver.org on one page |
!!Prototype Use In Bitweaver
You can find Bitweaver Packages that use Prototype and instructions for including the Prototype library in your package here: PrototypeUseInBitweaver
+ |
+!!Prototype Tutorials and Examples |
+There are some examples in the documentation here on bw.o, but here are some more sample uses of Prototype found around the web: |
+[http://24ways.org/advent/easy-ajax-with-prototype|Easy AJAX with Prototype] [[24-ways.org] |
+[http://blogs.ebusiness-apps.com/jordan/pages/Prototype%20Library%20Info.htm|Prototype Library Info] [[blogs.ebusiness-apps.com] |
+[http://particletree.com/features/quick-guide-to-prototype/|Quick Guide To Prototype] [[particletree.com] |
+[http://ajaxian.com/archives/2005/12/debugging_ajax.html|Debugging AJAX Requests in Prototype] [[ajaxian.com] |
!!Credits and About
This documentation is based on the original documentation here: