History of bitweaverFAQ

{maketoc maxdepth=2 title="Questions" class=faqtoc}
if you see any errors on this page or if you would like to add some wisdom, please register and edit the page by clicking on the edit icon.

! Releases
!! How do i get the latest and greatest of bitweaver?
you need access to CVS. to set up cvs and how to use it, please view:

!! How can i get hold of packages that haven't been released yet?
try accessing [/builds/packages] and see if the package is available for testing. if it's not available there, you can get it using cvs. for a list of available packages, you can check out CVSROOT and look in the modules file. with most packages, the cvs module name is _bit_<package> (e.g.: use _bit_wiki for the wiki)

!! What is happening in CVS? How stable is CVS?
CSV branch R1 is considered stable and only bugfixes are going into R1. we have got a database schema as well as an api lockdown. This means that you can update using the cvs R1 branch without much concern. obviously, we're not miracle workers and we suggest you backup your file / database before upgrading (expecially after a prolonged period). for upgrade instructions, please view bitweaverUpgrade


! Installs, Migrations and Upgrades
!! How do i install bitweaver?
first [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=141358&release_id=336854|download bitweaver] from sourceforge and unpack it in a place of your choice. point your browser to install/install.php, and follow the on screen instructions. after installation, for security reasons we recommend that you set the permissions of your install dir to something that users cannot access it.

!! What files should i take care of when upgrading?
please view bitweaverUpgrade for details

!! How do i upgrade bitweaver to the latest version?
please view bitweaverUpgrade for details

!! I have just upgraded bitweaver to the latest version but i can't log in anymore
since bitweaver is in constant developement, there might be changes to the way logins are handled.
first off, try deleting the cookies in your browser.
if the problem persists after clearing out the cookies, try removing the cookie related entries in ))tiki_preferences((:
{code source=SQL}
DELETE FROM `tiki_preferences` WHERE `name` = 'cookie_domain' LIMIT 1
DELETE FROM `tiki_preferences` WHERE `name` = 'cookie_path' LIMIT 1

!! How do i convert my existing TikiWiki install to bitweaver?
download and unpack bitweaver in a place of your choice. __make a backup of your database!!!__. Point your browser to install/install.php and follow the on screen instructions. when asked what path you want to follow, choose __upgrade__ and point your browser to the __backup database__ first to test if it works. if you are using MySQL, the __upgrade process requires at least version 4.1__. bitweaver will work on previous version of MySQL as well, but the upgrader requires it. if your host does not provide MySQL > 4.1, you need to upgrade on a server that does and then export / import the converted database onto your host server.

!! Where can i find more documentation on installing bitweaver?
* bitweaverRequirements
* InstallbitweaverDoc
* bitweaverUpgrade

!! During the installation process, I get the following error "bitweaver cannot connect to the database", even though I have checked the database name, username and password to be correct. How can I fix this error?

Errors like might indicate an issue with permissions set in the pg_hba.conf file. This file is used to configure which software is permitted to connect tot the PostgreSQL database. For a detailed overview of this configuration file, please check the [http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/static/client-authentication.html|PostgreSQL FAQ]


! Documentation
!! Where can i find Documentation on package X?
in the packages administration screen ( Administration --> Kernel --> Packages ), there is a description of all packages and a link to the relevant page on bitweaver. if the page does not exist here, it is likely that there is no decent documentation for that given package. in this case, you could create such a wiki page requesting for information from the author or someone using the package.

!! Where can i find Documentation on feature X?
our inline help provides a brief description in virtually all forms and input areas. should something not be clear, please search this site for the feature you don't understand. chances are that it's been answered somewhere. if you find an answer to your question, please add the __question__ and __answer__ to this page for others to use.

!! Where can i find Developers Documentation?
* PHPDoc: [/doc/php/]
* Doxygen: [/doc/dox/]
* Developers FAQ: [/blogs/12]


! Theming
!! How the hell do i create a new theme?
we have an extensive ThemeTutorial, which gives you an outline how our themes work, how you create a theme. it even includes some basic css rules should you not have much experience with css.

!! How do i change the center width when side columns disappear?
i use a simple technique where i apply a specific css class name to the center column depending on what side columns are visible. the code in the template looks like this (taken from the native theme):
{code source=PHP}
<div id="bitmain" class="bit-cols-{if $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'feature_left_column' ) && $l_modules && !$gHideModules and $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'feature_right_column' ) && $r_modules && !$gHideModules}3{elseif $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'feature_left_column' ) && $l_modules && !$gHideModules}2l{elseif $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'feature_right_column' ) && $r_modules && !$gHideModules}2r{else}1{/if}">

all the above does, is apply one of the following classes:
{code source=CSS}
.bit-cols-1 /* applied when only the center column is visible */
.bit-cols-2l /* only the center and the left column are visible */
.bit-cols-2r /* only the center and the right column are visible */
.bit-cols-3 /* all three columns are present */

the corresponding css looks like this:
{code source=CSS}
#bitmain {margin:0 0 1em 0.5%;}
.bit-cols-1 {margin:0 1% 1em 1% !important;}
.bit-cols-2l {float:left; width:77%;}
.bit-cols-2r {float:left; width:79%;}
.bit-cols-3 {float:left; width:61%;}


! Developement
!! How do i start my own package?
we have some useful documentation on how to start your own package and how to get started on the SamplePackage page.

!! How do i share a package?
you have written a package and you want to share it with others? currently we don't have a dedicated method / area for this, and we only use cvs to organise our packages. if you drop by IRC, we can have a chat about how and what you want to share.

!! Where do i put functions?
* if it has SQL, it should go in Class.php or _lib.php file.
* other functions can be sprinkled in the logic php
* if two different logic php files need the same function, put it in a Class or _lib
Page History
29 Mar 2009 (23:10 UTC)
try to make column control faq question a little more general sounding
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