History of DataPluginImg

Version 7


an overview of using images in bitweaver

Created by: mlpvolt, Last modification: 07 Aug 2006 (15:46 UTC) by mlpvolt
One or more images can be inserted into any wiki page, blog entry, and news article in bitweaver.

Filetypes: Bitweaver supports jpeg, gif and png.

When creating a news article you are promted to upload and resize an image. For blog posts and wiki pages, the process is slightly more complicated - you need to upload a picture to the image galleries first and then link to it on the page using the wiki syntax (image tag).

To upload images:

Bitweaver uses the fisheye package to store and view image files. By default, each user has an image folder created for them, and a fixed amount of storage space.

URL: http://yoursite.com/fisheye/upload.php

The fisheye upload screen, it is easy to upload multiple images (one after the other), and store them in a file gallery for later use.

Image Galleries

In Bitweaver all content is assigned a number as well as a name, and image gallaries are no exception.

A list of all galleries is available at:

You can view any gallery directly by knowing the gallery ID number.

You can also link directly to an image (displayed by itself)

Inserting an image in a page.

To put an image into a page, you need to know its directory path. Once you are viewing (in the fisheye gallery) the image you want to place on a page, then right-click copy image location to copy the path. Then return to the page you would like to include the image into and use the image tag.

The image tag:
syntax: {img src= width= height= align= desc= link= }

Note: The parameters used in this tag are the same as the parameters in the HTML "img" tag. You can pretty much swap the { and < brackets interchangably, if you are allowing bitweaver to parse html.

When using { img} the image and the description are enclosed with a "div" tag, that you can style with various css parameters:

  • border
  • padding
  • width
  • float
  • color
  • background
  • border
  • text-align

Inserting an image as an attachment.

An image file (or any other kind of file) and be attached to the page using the attachments tab in the edit screen. This can be used to upload a file instead of going to the fisheye/upload page, with an identical result.
1. Opening the attachments tab, upload the image as an attachment.
2. Save. The image will appear thumbnailed and right aligned on the page.
3. Right click on the image and copy image location.
4. Edit the page again and use the location in the src parameter of the img tag.
5. you can detach (but not delete) the attachment now if you like, the image will stay.

Img tag parameters and usage

Note: The "align", "border", "hspace", and "vspace" attributes of the image element were deprecated in HTML 4.01, but can still be used fairly reliably if you don't want (or don't know how) to use/modify styles in the CSS.

Parameter Values allowed Description
src URL The URL of the image to display
alt "text" Defines a short description of the image
align top, bottom, middle, left, right Specifies how to align the image according to surrounding text. (Deprecated. Use styles instead)
border pixels Defines a border around an image. (Deprecated. Use styles instead)
height pixels or % Defines the height of an image
width pixels or % Sets the width of an image
hspace pixels Defines white space on the left and right side of the image. (Deprecated. Use styles instead)
vspace pixels Defines white space on the top and bottom of the image. (Deprecated. Use styles instead)
longdesc URL URL to a document that contains a long description of the image

Page History
14 Aug 2006 (18:04 UTC)
refactoring important stuff to the top
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