History of DataPluginImg

One or more images can be inserted into any wiki page, blog entry, and news article in bitweaver.

__Filetypes:__ Bitweaver supports most image file types thanks to it's use of either ((GD libraries)), the ((imagemagick)) or the ((magickwand)) estensions.

__Images in news articles. __When creating or editing a news article users can upload and resize an image which is displayed in the upper left corner of the article. No plugin is required for this use.

__Images in blog posts and wiki pages__ In order to place images in wiki pages or blogs, __you need to upload a picture first__ (via the images galleries) and then use the path to approriate gallery as the "src" (source) parameter plugin.

^__The image tag:__
syntax: ~np~ {img src= width= height= align= desc= link= } ~/np~^

To put an image into a page, you need to know its directory path. Once you are viewing (in the fisheye gallery) the image you want to place on a page, then right-click ''copy image location'' to copy the path. Then return to the page you would like to include the image into and use the image tag.

!!Image Plugin Parameters
__using HTML__ The ((parameter))s used in the ~np~{ img }~/np~ plugin are the same as the parameters in the HTML "img" tag. Since the plugin syntax is the same as the html syntax, you may use the ~np~ { and < ~/np~brackets interchangably (if html is allowed).

|| __::Parameter::__ | __::Values allowed::__ | __::Description::__ | __::Example::__
src |URL |The URL of the image to display
desc |"text" |Defines a short description of the image
align |center, left, right |Specifies how to align the image according to surrounding text.
height |pixels or % |Sets the height of the image |400
width |pixels or % |Sets the width of the image |600
link |URL |If you insert a link, clicking the image will take you to that location||

__using CSS__ if the img (html tag?) and the description are enclosed within ~np~ <div> ~/np~ tags you can use various css parameters:
The following parameters take CSS style parameters

|| __::Parameter::__ | __::Values allowed::__ | __::Description::__ | __::Example::__
float | |If you want to float the image. |right
padding | |Padding around the image. |5px
margin | |Margin around the image. |5px
background | |Background colour around the image. |#ff6600
border | |Defines a border around an image. |3px solid pink
text-align | |Will help you align the description with the image |center
color | |Colour of the description that goes with the image |#990000
font | |Font settings for the description |
font-size | |Font size of the description |10px
font-weight | |Font weight of the description |bold
font-family | |Font family for the description text |Verdana, sans-serif||

!! Uploading images to an image gallery.
Bitweaver uses the ((FisheyePackage|fisheye)) package to store and view image files. By default, each user has an image folder created for them, and a fixed amount of storage space. In Bitweaver all content is assigned a number as well as a name, and image galleries are no exception.

__URL:__ http://yoursite.com/fisheye/upload.php

The fisheye upload screen, it is easy to upload multiple images, and store them in a file gallery for later use.

A list of all galleries is available at:

You can view any gallery directly by knowing the gallery ID number.

You can also link directly to an image (displayed by itself)

!!Uploading images as attachment
As an alternate method, you can directly upload images to the server as wiki page attachments. Once it is attached, you can then use either the img plugin or the ((DataPluginAttachment|Attach)) plugin to display it. This will not place the image in a gallery and the image can only be viewed when included in a wiki page or article. Since the method requires the same amount of steps it is not a short cut.

__Inserting an image as an attachment__
An image file (or any other kind of file) and be attached to the page using the attachments tab in the edit screen. This can be used to upload a file instead of going to the fisheye/upload page, with an identical result.
1. Opening the attachments tab, upload the image as an attachment.
2. Save. The image will appear thumbnailed and right aligned on the page.
3. Right click on the image and copy image location.
4. Edit the page again and use the location in the src parameter of the img tag.
5. you can detach (but not delete) the attachment now if you like, the image will stay.

Once you have uploaded images / attachments, they will show up in the attachment browser in the wiki edit page. This gives you a list of all files you have uploaded and their attachment ids. this allows you to use the ((DataPluginAttachment|attachment plugin)) to insert the attachments in the page.


It would be nice to incorporate an "upload attachment (to gallery) option in the edit template.

It is preferable to have images align left and have text wrap around it as the default behavior.

Page History
14 Aug 2006 (18:04 UTC)
refactoring important stuff to the top
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