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This plugin enables users to make use of the ArticlesPackage withing wiki pages. Placing this plugin tag in a wiki page will display one or more articles.

Plugin Syntax: {ARTICLES max= topic= type= }

Plugin Parameters

The articles plugin uses the following optional parameters
Parametervalues allowedcomments
maxnumericLimits the number of articles to be displayed. (Default = 3)
topictopic nameincludes only articles from the topic specified (default=all))
typetype nameincludes only articles from the topic specified (default=all)
format full/list displayes the articles either "full" or a bulleted list of titles (links) only. (default=list)

Example: {ARTICLES max=5 topic='some_topic'}
Example: {ARTICLES max=5 type='some_type'}

This plugin enables users to make use of the ArticlesPackage withing wiki pages. Placing this plugin tag in a wiki page will display one or more articles.

Plugin Syntax: {ARTICLES max= topic= type= }

Plugin Parameters

The articles plugin uses the following optional parameters
Parametervalues allowedcomments
maxnumericLimits the number of articles to be displayed. (Default = 1)
topictopic nameincludes only articles from the topic specified (default=all))
typetype nameincludes only articles from the topic specified (default=all)
format full/list displayes the articles either "full" or a bulleted list of titles (links) only. (default=list)

Example: {ARTICLES max=5 topic='some_topic'}
Example: {ARTICLES max=5 type='some_type'}


Use this section to report bugs or suggest improvements. Be sure to note which version you are using.

(version 1.3.0) Display preferences from Administration-->Articles-->Articles settings are ignored by this plugin, so it is impossible, for example to remove the publication date from the articles as displayed by this plugin.

Page History
26 Jul 2008 (12:59 UTC)
Stephan Borg220.245.178.1376
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