!Available Status Codes
Liberty assumes the value of the content is directly proportional to the magnitude of the status ID.

__ Negative content and only available to owner and/or admin depending on severity. __

''Editor Level'' Threshold
-999 Deleted // content is slated for deletion, but is available for undelete
-998 Spam // evil, evil spam
-201 Suspended // content is being held in admin level holding tank for reivew
-100 Denied // Request for posting was blocked

''User Level'' Threshold
-40 Private // Personal choices to control content
-30 Password Protected // Personal choices to control content
-20 Group Protected // User has to be in the same group as the content.
-10 Hidden // Anyone can see, but content does not show up in listings.
-5 Draft
-1 Pending Approval

__ Postive content, is always publically available (to all with appropriate perms of course) __

''User Level'' Threshold
50 Available

''Editor Level'' Threshold
102 Commercial
200 Recommended
999 Copy Protected

With these, you can fine tune selects on getList functions, etc. Also, this makes things some what symmetric in terms of "value" of a piece of content. As an idea, you could aggregate all status
for content owned by a user and get a pretty useful metric.

We could obviously make UI to add more statuses, but it would be good to settle on some general notions about interpretation of the status number. (eg postives are shown by default, negatives are not without explicit permission and request).
Page History
15 Apr 2008 (14:48 UTC)
bring page up to date with codes actually set in Liberty
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