History of TagsPackage

^This package is only available for R2^
Tags package lets you tag content with key words and then search for content by those key words. You can view all tags as a cloud visually weighted by use and they are sortable by use and alphabetically.

Admin features include the ability to sanitize tags in a variety of ways, including forcing tags to all lower case, stripping all white spaces, and even using custom regex to remove or replace words, such as [http://www.erenkrantz.com/Humor/SevenDirtyWords.shtml|George Carlin's 7 favorite].

!!Get it
Tags is included with the main release of bitweaver. Or you can get the Tags Package by checking out module _bit_tags from cvs.

!!Future Features
Tags is already slated for upgrades, in the future we expect to add:
* List content by matching on multiple tags inclusively, e.g. get content where tags = foo AND bar.
* Way to allow people to tag content outside of editing the content - ie not on content creation but just generally

((Convert Pigeonholes to Tags))
Page History
29 Apr 2009 (14:12 UTC)
remove r2 notice
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