History of UpstallPackage

Differences from version 2 to 3

@@ -1 +1,14 @@

-This page is still in progress.
+!!What is UpStall?
+UpStall is a new package that allows admins to install packages from zip files downloaded from [http://www.bitweaver.org/builds/packages/HEAD/|http://www.bitweaver.org/builds/packages/HEAD/] without FTP. This will enable admins who do not have root access to the server to manage their site package and generally make things easier for themselves.
+!!How does it work?
+First you have to install the UpStall package ( currently only available from cvs ) then you follow these steps:
+#Download a zipped package from: [http://www.bitweaver.org/builds/packages/HEAD/|here]
+#In your bitweaver admin you go to Kernel -> UpStall -> UpStall a new package
+#Use the file dialog to choose the package you want to UpStall and hit upload.
+#Follow the normal install process.
+!!What is the future of UpStall?
+The next major feature will allow users to download the packages directly from bw.o to their systems. This will make it even easier to manage your site.
+The final feature will be processing updates through UpStall. Once all these features are available UpStall will be complete.
Page History
16 Dec 2009 (19:09 UTC)
Walter Wojcik76.180.241.123
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Walter Wojcik76.180.241.122
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