- Is List Blogs supposed to list the Blogs?
- At present it seems to list recent posts in all Blogs.
You might need to look at source of this post to understand the following, as it has triggered the problem which it describes.
- WikiSyntax in a page Description is partly processed recursively.
- Presently, UserPageSEWilco has some tests which expressed a mess in the table of contents. bitweaverCVS had mess in a headline which referred to bitweaverCVS.
- The bitweaverCVS page has a Description Developer Management of bitweaver Source Code
- The bitweaver within the Description is processed with WikiSyntax
- The page Description is used within anchor definitions.
- The anchor definition has the page Description within quotes.
- WikiSyntax expansion inserts another anchor within Description.
- An HTML anchor within an anchor just doesn't work.
- User Preferences are forced to cause edit upon double click.
(referenced by: 0 posts references: 0 posts)