Made some structure and rename changes today.
kernel/local.php is now kernel/config_inc.php
kernel/defaults_inc.php is now kernel/config_defaults_inc.php
Kernel flowchart goes something like this:
- /tiki_setup_inc.php is called - this defines TIKI_ROOT_PATH and points to (requires) kernel/setup_inc.php
- kernel/setup_inc.php is called - the first two things it does is includes (in case its a virgin install) kernel/config_inc.php and requires kernel/config_defaults_inc.php. This file is in flux at the moment and is slowly getting cleaned out to only perform setup tasks.
- kernel/config_inc.php is all the user custom settings and overrides
- kernel/config_default_inc.php is all the default values not specified in kernerl/config_inc.php. This file also defines all the constants (not sure if constants should be defined here or in setup_inc.php).
- back to kernel/setup_inc.php - TikiSystem->scanPackages is executed, creating all the XXX_PKG_PATH and XXX_PKG_URL constants. Then any library include paths are prepended.
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