History of bitweaver_sites

Differences from version 20 to 154

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-this is a list of sites using TikiPro. sites are listed in no spcific order and hopefully will be automated at some point.
-||__::TikiPro eating it's own [http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/eatyourowndogfood.asp|dogfood] and test sites::__
-[http://www.tikipro.org/|TikiPro]|TikiPro main site
-[http://bonnie.tikipro.org/|TikiPro - bonnie]|test-site for bonnie CVS - might not work all of the time
-[http://clyde.tikipro.org/|TikiPro - clyde]|test-site for clyde CVS - might not work all of the time
-__::other sites::__
-| [http://www.awise.org|AWiSE]|association for women in science and engineerin
-| [http://www.andrewslater.com|AndrewSlater.com]|Andrew Slater's Personal Website
-{img src=http://www.tikipro.org/imagegals/show_image.php?id=38 align=center link=http://www.viovio.com }| [http://www.viovio.com|Viovio]|The "wikipedia" of travel, millions of places on earth where anyone can contribute their travel knowledge
-{img src=http://www.tikipro.org/imagegals/show_image.php?id=39 align=center link=http://people.lulu.com }| [http://people.lulu.com/|Lulu]|Lulu book publishing community
-{img src=http://www.tikipro.org/imagegals/show_image.php?id=40 align=center link=http://www.najubrabu.de}| [http://www.najubrabu.de/|NAJU Brandenburg]| Die Naturschutzjugend Brandenburg. Natur- und Umweltschutz im Land Brandenburg seit 1991.
-{img src=http://www.tikipro.org/imagegals/show_image.php?id=44 align=center link=http://www.modcore.org }| [http://www.modcore.org|modcore.org]| Political action website
-| [http://www.dbtuning.org|dbTuning.org]| database tuning and server hardware performance community wiki
-{img src=http://www.tikipro.org/imagegals/show_image.php?id=46 align=center link=http://www.eslteacherlink.com }| [http://www.eslteacherlink.com|eslteacherlink.com]| Entertainment website for connecting people and communities in South Korea!
-{img src=}| [http://www.kopiedruck.de|Kopie & Druck]| copy shop and full service
-{img src=http://musiik.de/themes/styles/musiik/images/ii_live.gif align=center link=http://musiik.de}| [http://musiik.de|Musiik Festival]| extreme music performed live on stage in Berlin, Germany
+! Bitweaver Community Showcase
+Sites which are meaningful to the Bitweaver community - projects of Bitweaver's developers, other important or high traffic sites, and Bitweaver installs of the first hour.
+{| class="bw_sites bws_comunity"
+| {attachment id=873 link="http://www.myphotoclub.com"}
+| [http://www.myphotoclub.com/|MyPhotoClub.com]
+| photography sharing site [/gravyface]
+| {img width=145 height=32 src=http://www.onnyturf.com/themes/styles/onnyturfr2/images/onnyturfr2_logo.gif link="http://www.onNYTurf.com/"}
+| [http://www.onNYTurf.com/|onNYTurf]
+| NYC political and social issues [/wjames5]
+| {attachment id=872 link="http://www.voip-info.org"}
+| [http://www.voip-info.org/|Voip-info.org]
+| A reference to all things VoIP. [/jht001]
+| {img src=http://www.fca.at/themes/styles/phineart/images/logo.png height=30 width=100 link=http://www.fca.at}
+| [http://www.fca.at|Flight Connection Arlberg]
+| A group of insane paragliders in Austria. [/xing]
+| [http://www.prestophoto.com|prestophoto]
+| Digital Printing and Publishing with photo sharing, book printing, and a travel wiki with millions of places on earth where anyone can contribute their travel knowledge. [/spider]
+| {img src=http://www.lulu.com/images/logo_lulu.gif link=http://people.lulu.com}
+| [http://people.lulu.com/|Lulu]
+| Lulu book publishing community
+| {img src=http://adukatar.net/bit2/themes/styles/jill2/images/ahalogo.gif height=58 width=58 link="http://adukatar.net/bit2/"}
+| [http://adukatar.net/bit2/|adukatar.net]
+| Network of educational NGOs of Belarus ACE
+| {attachment id=868 size=avatar link="http://freewheels.us"}
+| [http://freewheels.us|FreeWheels.us]
+| NYC Bicycling and Civil Rights Organization
+| {img src=http://lsces.co.uk/lsces_logo.jpg link="http://lsces.co.uk/"}
+| [http://lsces.co.uk/|lsces]
+| Home of the support site for L.S.Caine Electronic Services. [/lsces]
+| {img src=http://medw.co.uk/medw_logo.jpg link="http://medw.co.uk/"}
+| [http://medw.co.uk/|Model Engineers Digital Workshop]
+| Home of everything electronic for the model engineer and home workshop. [/lsces]
+| {img src=http://enquirysolve.co.uk/enquirysolve_logo.jpg link="http://enquirysolve.co.uk/"}
+| [http://enquirysolve.co.uk/|EnquirySolve]
+| Multisite powered home of the support site for customers of the EnquirySolve Client Management System. [/lsces]
+! Bitweaver Showcase
+Sites that accomplish something that Bitweaver does not provide out of the box - custom designs, custom packages, new features, hacked-in goodies. Feel free to add your site to this list! Please include a small icon. To show screenshots (please do), [/photos/upload.php|upload them to your image gallery] and reference them here. To describe your project in more detail, which is very welcome, [/blogs/post.php|post in your blog] and reference the posting here. Alternatively, you can also [/forums/index.php?b=2|post in a board].
+{| class="bw_sites bws_showcase"
+| {img src=http://www.bitweaver.org/storage/users/686/2686/images/1026/thumbs/small.jpg link="http://www.netpanzer.org/"}
+| [http://www.netpanzer.org/|netPanzer]
+| Official netPanzer game and community website. Some custom packages including a serverbrowser and a download page. Template is based on cascader theme with some mods and expansions.[/fu]
+| {img src=http://openastrum.org/favicon.ico link="http://openastrum.org/"}
+| [http://openastrum.org/|Open Astrum]
+| Open publishing portal. Site for sharing knowledge, news and anything that may be of common interest. [/helge_karl]
+| {img src=http://www.bitweaver.org/favicon.ico link="http://www.cantacat.net"}
+| [http://www.cantacat.net|Catalan Folk Music and lyrics]
+| Traditional music and songs from catalonia, custom package for song integration into Liberty. [/santi]
+| {img src=http://poplars-and-rocks.de/favicon.ico link="http://poplars-and-rocks.de"}
+| [http://poplars-and-rocks.de|Poplars And Rocks]
+| Berlin-based "booking" agency
+| {img src=http://www.kirche-berlin-wartenberg.de/favicon.ico link="http://www.kirche-berlin-wartenberg.de"}
+| [http://www.kirche-berlin-wartenberg.de/|Kirche Berlin-Wartenberg]
+| church homepage
+| {img src=http://dereinzige20.de/favicon.ico link="http://dereinzige20.de"}
+| [http://dereinzige20.de|Der Einzige 2.0]
+| collaborative translation project
+| {img src=http://11gewinnt.de/favicon.ico link="http://11gewinnt.de/"}
+| [http://www.11gewinnt.de|11gewinnt]
+| soccer collectibles
+| {img src=http://medienbeirat.de/favicon.ico link="http://medienbeirat.de/"}
+| [http://medientheater.hu-berlin.de|Medientheater]
+| student media/theatre projects
+| {img src=http://linther-hof.de/favicon.ico link="http://linther-hof.de/"}
+| [http://linther-hof.de|Linther Hof]
+| hotel/restaurant
+| {img src=http://hotels-dresden.de/themes/styles/hotelsdresden/favicon.ico link="http://hotels-dresden.de"}
+| [http://hotels-dresden.de|Hotels Dresden]
+| Hotel guides for several German cities. Custom package for hotel management; Xajax integration.
+| {img src=http://murderers-among-us.com/favicon.ico link="http://murderers-among-us.com/"}
+| [http://murderers-among-us.com|M]
+| image markup project
+| {img src=http://liblia.hu-berlin.de/doku/favicon.ico link="http://liblia.hu-berlin.de/doku/"}
+| [http://liblia.hu-berlin.de|Liblia Doku]
+| docu wiki for a bibliography management application
+| {img src=http://www.meetrics.de/favicon.ico link="http://meetrics.de/"}
+| [http://meetrics.de|Meetrics]
+| Reading Stream Analytics
+! Bitweaver Sites
+Pristine Bitweaver installs. Feel free to add your site to this list!
+{| class="bw_sites"
+| {img src=http://www.meetmylastname.com/prd/favicon.ico link="http://www.meetmylastname.com"}
+| [http://www.meetmylastname.com|Meet my last name]
+| Social networking portal to connect and network with people who share the same last name.
+| {img src=http://www.FixExpert.com/favicon.ico link="http://www.FixExpert.com"}
+| [http://www.FixExpert.com|Car Repair Wiki]
+| Automotive Repair Site for the DIYer.
+| {img src=http://www.modernnomads.info/favicon.ico link="http://ModernNomads.info"}
+| [http://ModernNomads.info|Modern Nomads]
+| Modern Nomads, Wiki, blog and articles for helping windows mobile users (and the people that have to support them) get the most out of their windows mobile devices.
+| {img src=http://rcdaggerweb.com/favicon.ico link="http://www.rcdaggerweb.com"}
+| [http://www.rcdaggerweb.com|R/C Dagger Web]
+| A radio control community that features Tamiya car and truck modification, building, help, and fun!
+| {img src=http://www.cmyschools.com/favicon.ico link="http://www.cmyschools.com/wiki/index.php"}
+| [http://www.cmyschools.com/wiki/index.php|cmyschools.com]
+| Wiki based school review site. ( ++red:Currently broken++ )
+| {img src=http://www.bitweaver.org/favicon.ico link="http://www.cloudpad.org"}
+| [http://www.cloudpad.org|CloudPAD.org]
+| A cumulous city of daydreams and other fluff.
+| {img src=http://www.bitweaver.org/favicon.ico link="http://eHa.no-ip.org"}
+| [http://eHa.no-ip.org|eHa]
+| Political philosophy and cultural critique.
+| {img src=http://davidforward.com/favicon.ico link="http://davidforward.com"}
+| [http://davidforward.com|Malmesbury Memories]
+| The first capital of all England as it is today.
Page History
17 Jun 2014 (17:01 UTC)
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David Forward86.132.80.80152
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David Forward86.132.80.80147
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Lester Caine81.138.11.136144
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Lester Caine81.138.11.136143
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Lester Caine81.138.11.136142
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Lester Caine81.138.11.136140
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Lester Caine81.138.11.136139
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Helge Karl89.8.49.231128
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Helge Karl89.8.187.91127
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