Trained as a hardware engineer.
B.Sc. Hons in Physical Electronics from Warwick University ( 1978 )
M.Sc in Digtal System from Brunel University ( 1982 )

Been programming from machine code upwards since 1968 or so.
First 'real' computer - ICL1901 with 16k words of core store.

Programmed Single Chip Micros for various large companies
Several designs on custom IC taken to silicon

Nowadays an active user of Firebird database, and moving over to PHP after years off unrewarded loyal support to Borland development tools :)

L.S.Caine Electronic Services
Main Site
Enquirysolve CMS System Multisite implementation of bitweaver
Broadway, United Kingdom.

Useful links - PhpgedviewPackage MapperPackage ProtectorPackage

Documentation Links - phpdocumentor documentation mirror - The content status of the phpdocumentor API documentation