
__Multisites__ allows you to customize certain aspects of your site, depending on what URL a visitor is accessing. For each multisite __you can customize:__

* servername and description
* browser title, site slogan, description/keywords meta tags, start page
* a dedicated theme
* the language
* header, column, and menu details

!! Use it to
* __characterize:__ use www.bitweaver.org, doc.bitweaver.org and dev.bitweaver.org for different aspects of a project
* __localize:__ use en.mysite, en-uk.mysite and uk.mysite to serve different languages to your visitors
* __seperate:__ band-1-fans.com and band-2-fans.com - one database for 2 different fan sites

!! Advantages
* __only one database__ - users feel they are in a different section while it's still using the same database
* __easy maintenance__ - one install, one upgrade, combined pages (repeat content on all multisites), combine newsletters/shoutbox/search ... and so on
* __visually effective__ - different sections of your site can sport a different theme (plus you can still use different themes for each package of each multisite)
* __restrict access to content on a site by site basis__ so that only a subset of the content is seen on any given site (available in Bitweaver 2)

!! Notes
* Multisites is not intended for setting up entirely independend sites with different databases. All URLs access the same database.
* In all versions below Bitweaver 2 you can not restrict access to content on a site by site basis.
Page History
03 Jun 2009 (09:23 UTC)
Add a note about theme overrides
Lester Caine81.138.11.1369
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