This is a listing of Proposed Plugins. Unlike the plugins listed on the page ((DataPlugins)) - these plugins __Do Not Exist__. This page is intended to provide a place where people can submit idea's and provide some basic feedback.

__Please__ add Comments (or edit the page) for the Proposals that you read. Do you __Love__ / __Hate__ / __Want__ to see Accomplished / or think is a __Waste of Time__? Some of us (Include Me Here) __Need__ this kind of information.

!- So - How do I do I make a Proposal Page? And what do I put on it?
Just edit this page and in the table below - add a link to a page name and provide very brief description. The page name should begin with __"))PluginProposal((-"__ and add __"))YourIdeasName(("__
Example: __))PluginProposal-MakePage((__

As soon as this page is saved - click on the new link to create the page. You can use any of the existing pages as an example - but remember - there is nothing formal about any this. The more information you add to the page the better - but - all that is really needed is a description of what the Plugin should __Accomplish__. Adding How it would be used / Who would use it / Why it is __Needed__ are good selling points though.
Hay - If you think it's a good idea - either create the Plugin yourself or present it in a way that somebody else buys into it and does if for you. Good idea's have a way of coming to life - and they become __Insistent__ that they become a reality. (:biggrin:)

! Proposed Plugins
__::Plugin Name::__ | __::On Page::__ | __::Description::__
Css Changer | ((PluginProposal-CssChanger)) | Allows the user to change background colors and more - Only on the page it is used.
))EyeCandy(( ))NeonText(( | ((PluginProposal-EyeCandy NeonText)) | Would apply a Neon Lighting Effect (an age old technique of attracting attention) to a string.
))HideText(( | ((PluginProposal-HideText)) | Allows the user to place text on a page that only specific users or groups can see. __Note:__ ))HideText(( has been created - but I gave it a different name - __))SpyText((__ (I couldn't help myself) - The Help Page is here ((DataPluginSpyText)) - ))StarRider((
))MakePage(( | PluginProposal-MakePage | Gives the Admin the ability to create a lot of pages in a hurry
))PagePoll(( | ((PluginProposal-PagePoll)) | Would add an existing Poll to a page with results and voting ability
))BlogView(( | ((PluginProposal-BlogView)) | Inserts an entire blog into the view. USed for blogs as a news system.
Page History
11 Nov 2006 (16:48 UTC)
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