History of SetupIIS

Differences from version 3 to 7

@@ -29,4 +29,8 @@

 # Repeat the above procedure for the __storage__ directory
 # Create an empty text file called __kernel/config_inc.php__ and repeat the above procedure to assign ''Modify'' rights to is also.
 # At this point, revisit your homepage [http://localhost/bitweaver] and you should get redirected to the installer
+If you're using MS-SQL or MSDE, refer to the SetupMSSQL page
+__Note:__ If your using IIS 3.0 and there are some unuseual directory names (in one case the extra directory was named: _vti_cnf ) it could be that you need to remove the Frontpage Server Extensions. This is described at [http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q244221/]
Page History
12 Apr 2006 (09:32 UTC)
Renamed page
Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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Lee LaMont Bell Jr.
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1135
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1133
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1132
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.1131
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