History of CodingGuidelines
These CodingGuidelines are enforced for code that is a part of the standard bitweaver distribution. If you start your own package, you are welcome to choose whatever standards you like. However, if you play in core sandbox, we need to keep things need and tidy. We have a good bit legacy code that does not follow our own conventions, however, we are fixing as fast as we can with the ArchitectureTransition.
!!File Types and Naming Conventions
There are several type of files, and each should be name as follow
*__Presentation files__, such as "wiki/list_pages.php", should be named with an underscore seperateing each word. i.e. list_pages.php, and all lower case. There should be no reference to "tiki" in the file name, and it is best to keep the names short, and not redundant with the package they are in. For example "articles/edit_article.php" should be simple "articles/edit.php"
*__Included files__ if your file is only included by other files and never invoked directly, it should follow the same rules athe presentation files, however, it should have _inc.php at the end, such as "wiki/page_setup_inc.php"
*__Class files__ shoud be named identically to the name of the class they contain, i.e. "TikiSystem.php". There should be NO CODE outside of the class definition, and nothing should be declared. Sometimes, it is practical to put global function definitions in the class files, and that is acceptable. Classes should be declared in a presentation or include file.
*__Library files__ are nothing but a big pile of preocedural function definitions and have "_lib.php" at the end, such as "util/zip_lib.php". There is a bunch of legacy TikiWiki stuff like the StatsLib class in stats/stats_lib.php - one day we will get around to cleaning this stuff up.
*__Template files__ are for smarty, and they should follow convetion for presentation files, such as "wiki/templates/show_page.tpl"
There are a few special file names that the KernelPackage will look for in each Package. Below is an example for a fictional package named "somepackage":
#__somepackage/tiki_setup_inc.php__ is automatically parsed by the KernelPackage at setup time (technically by TikiSystem::scanPackages()
#__somepackage/templates/admin_somepackage.tpl__ and __somepackage/admin/admin_somepackage_inc.php__ are automatically assumed, and will be included if you link to www.yoursite.com/kernel/admin/index.php?page=somepackage
!!Coding Conventions
*Sometimes we need to hack something together with the intention of fixing it later. Such code should be commented with a comment starting with "@todo" and explaining what needs to be done and why it wasn't done right. Using "@todo" will make the text turn up in the source documentation if ((doxygen)) is configured to show it.
* __variable names__ are all in the camelCaps OO/Java convention. There are several underscored variables floating around, and those how we tell the unmodified TikiWiki code.
* __method function names__ functions in classes follow the OO/Java convention of camelCapFunction, note leading lowercase. There are several underscored methods floating around, and those how we tell the unmodified TikiWiki code.
* __hash keys__ should be all lower case with an underscore between words like $post['last_modified'] - this makes life very easy and consistent between web forms and database inserts.
* __global function names__ global functions, and we only have a few, follow the stand php/C convention of underscored_function_name
* To summarize naming of functions - each follows established coding conventions and each is different, however consistent.
* __global variables__ must be in the format __$g__''VariableName'' like $gBitSystem
* __function parameters__ should be prefixed with __$p__, like: function foo( $pBar )
* all __define(CONSTANT)__ that you consider configurable by the user should have an __if( defined(CONSTANT) )__ check beforehand.
* Please follow traditional unix brace policy. Paren styles vary, and are up to individual preference:
function foo( $pBar ) {
if( condition ) {
!!Config Files
* __ kernel/config_inc.php __ is for the users custom settings that override settings declared later on in the process. This should only be included directly by config_defaults_inc.php and during the install.
* __ kernel/config_defaults_inc.php __ checks and includes config_inc.php if it exists. All defaults should be defined in this file, not in the code. config_default_inc.php should only be called from setup_inc.php. Only setting of variables and logic in setting of variables should be in this file.
* __ kernel/setup_inc.php __ defines constants and sets up the environment for bitweaver. It includes the file config_defaults_inc.php which inturn includes config_inc.php. Once these files are included, logic and insanity checks are performed along with setting up of constants, etc. If a user wishes to over-ride anything by including it in config_inc.php, the code here must not complain (ie if(!defined(SOME_CONST)) { define('SOME_CONST'...etc) unless a sanity check has failed.
These CodingGuidelines are enforced for code that is a part of the standard bitweaver distribution. If you start your own package, you are welcome to choose whatever standards you like. However, if you play in core sandbox, we need to keep things need and tidy. We have a good bit legacy code that does not follow our own conventions, however, we are fixing as fast as we can with the ArchitectureTransition.
!!File Types and Naming Conventions
There are several type of files, and each should be name as follow
*__Presentation files__, such as "wiki/list_pages.php", should be named with an underscore seperateing each word. i.e. list_pages.php, and all lower case. There should be no reference to "tiki" in the file name, and it is best to keep the names short, and not redundant with the package they are in. For example "articles/edit_article.php" should be simple "articles/edit.php"
*__Included files__ if your file is only included by other files and never invoked directly, it should follow the same rules athe presentation files, however, it should have _inc.php at the end, such as "wiki/page_setup_inc.php"
*__Class files__ shoud be named identically to the name of the class they contain, i.e. "TikiSystem.php". There should be NO CODE outside of the class definition, and nothing should be declared. Sometimes, it is practical to put global function definitions in the class files, and that is acceptable. Classes should be declared in a presentation or include file.
*__Library files__ are nothing but a big pile of preocedural function definitions and have "_lib.php" at the end, such as "util/zip_lib.php". There is a bunch of legacy TikiWiki stuff like the StatsLib class in stats/stats_lib.php - one day we will get around to cleaning this stuff up.
*__Template files__ are for smarty, and they should follow convetion for presentation files, such as "wiki/templates/show_page.tpl"
There are a few special file names that the KernelPackage will look for in each Package. Below is an example for a fictional package named "somepackage":
#__somepackage/tiki_setup_inc.php__ is automatically parsed by the KernelPackage at setup time (technically by TikiSystem::scanPackages()
#__somepackage/templates/admin_somepackage.tpl__ and __somepackage/admin/admin_somepackage_inc.php__ are automatically assumed, and will be included if you link to www.yoursite.com/kernel/admin/index.php?page=somepackage
!!Coding Conventions
*Sometimes we need to hack something together with the intention of fixing it later. Such code should be commented with a comment starting with "@todo" and explaining what needs to be done and why it wasn't done right. Using "@todo" will make the text turn up in the source documentation if ((doxygen)) is configured to show it.
* __variable names__ are all in the camelCaps OO/Java convention. There are several underscored variables floating around, and those how we tell the unmodified TikiWiki code.
* __method function names__ functions in classes follow the OO/Java convention of camelCapFunction, note leading lowercase. There are several underscored methods floating around, and those how we tell the unmodified TikiWiki code.
* __hash keys__ should be all lower case with an underscore between words like $post['last_modified'] - this makes life very easy and consistent between web forms and database inserts.
* __global function names__ global functions, and we only have a few, follow the stand php/C convention of underscored_function_name
* To summarize naming of functions - each follows established coding conventions and each is different, however consistent.
* __global variables__ must be in the format __$g__''VariableName'' like $gBitSystem
* __function parameters__ should be prefixed with __$p__, like: function foo( $pBar )
* all __define(CONSTANT)__ that you consider configurable by the user should have an __if( defined(CONSTANT) )__ check beforehand.
* Please follow traditional unix brace policy. Paren styles vary, and are up to individual preference:
function foo( $pBar ) {
if( condition ) {
!!Config Files
* __ kernel/config_inc.php __ is for the users custom settings that override settings declared later on in the process. This should only be included directly by config_defaults_inc.php and during the install.
* __ kernel/config_defaults_inc.php __ checks and includes config_inc.php if it exists. All defaults should be defined in this file, not in the code. config_default_inc.php should only be called from setup_inc.php. Only setting of variables and logic in setting of variables should be in this file.
* __ kernel/setup_inc.php __ defines constants and sets up the environment for bitweaver. It includes the file config_defaults_inc.php which inturn includes config_inc.php. Once these files are included, logic and insanity checks are performed along with setting up of constants, etc. If a user wishes to over-ride anything by including it in config_inc.php, the code here must not complain (ie if(!defined(SOME_CONST)) { define('SOME_CONST'...etc) unless a sanity check has failed.