
description of the power and usage of your {code} plugin

Created by: xing, Last modification: 30 Jun 2008 (10:40 UTC) by Kozuch


frequently you need to display code in wiki pages and it's always useful to have syntax highlighting and sometimes even line numbering. the code plugin does all that and more!



The code plugin allows you to select the source highlighting based on the code you are displaying. valid options are:
  • ActionScript
  • Ada
  • Apache Log File = Apache
  • ASM (NASM based) = Asm
  • ASP
  • Bash
  • C
  • C for Macs = C_Mac
  • AutoCAD DCL = CadDcl
  • AutoCAD LISP = CadLisp
  • C++ = Cpp
  • C# = CSharp
  • CSS
  • D
  • Delphi
  • Diff Output = Diff
  • HTML (4.0.1) = Html4Strict
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Lisp
  • Lua
  • MatLab
  • MpAsm
  • NullSoft Installer = Niss
  • Objective C = ObjC
  • Basic = OoBas
  • Oracle8/ Pascal
  • Perl
  • Php (default)
  • Php_Brief
  • Python
  • QuickBasic = QBasic
  • Smarty
  • SQL
  • VisualBasic = Vb
  • VB.NET = VbNet
  • VHDL
  • VisualFoxPro
  • XML


Determins if Line Numbers are displayed with the code. Valid options are:
  • TRUE / ON / YES /
  • <numeric value="">
a Number will turn Line Numbering On. When a Number is specified - the Number is used for the first line instead of 1. Any ohter value will turn Line Numbering OFF and only the Code will be displayed.
The Default = FALSE Line Numbers are Not displayed.


give the codelisting a title.


the parameters used are:
{code source=Html4Strict num=TRUE title="Here you can see some HTML code - titles are a recent addition."}

Here you can see some HTML code - titles are a recent addition.

  1: <div class="maketoc">
  2:     <h3>Page Contents</h3>
  3:     <ul>
  4:         <li><a href="#Intro">Intro</a></li>
  5:         <li>
  6:         <a href="#Parameters">Parameters</a>
  7:         <ul>
  8:             <li><a href="#source">source</a></li>
  9:             <li><a href="#num">num</a></li>
 10:         </ul>
 11:         </li>
 12:     </ul>
 13: </div>

bitweaver code plugin makes use of geshi:</numeric>