
Tell your story with audio on your website

Created by: Will, Last modification: 12 Jun 2008 (17:43 UTC)
NOTE: This feature is currently only available in the code from cvs, but will be available in the soon to be released R2.1

The Podcasts package lets you create multiple audio programs and offer feeds that people can subscribe to from iTunes and other audio players.

The Podcasts package you actually won't find in your bitweaver download. Its actually quickly and easily created from another package: TreasuryPackage, which you will find in your download.

Creating the Podcast Package from Treasury

1) Make a backup of Treasury
To make the Podcasts Package first make a copy of the TreasuryPackage outside of the root bitweaver directory for safe keeping. We do this in case you want to use Treasury for something else later.

2) Move mkpackage.sh into your bitweaver root
In the Treasury Package you will find a file called mkpackage.sh. Move this file out of Treasury and into your bitweaver root.

3) Convert Treasury Package to Podcasts
You'll need shell / command line access for this step. Change directories into the bitweaver root directory and run the file you just moved in step 2 with the following command:

./mkpackage.sh podcasts podcast podcasts episode episodes

4) Download the Podcasts Kit and install its supplemental files
We have a special kit of extra files that put the finishing touches on your PodcastsPackage. You can get the Podcasts Kit here. It contains instructions in a README file. Please read it and do what it says. It just has a few extra files for you to copy into your bitweaver install.

5) Install Podcasts Package and start broadcasting
You're done!