Style Uploads

how to upload themes and what happens when you upload them

Created by: xing, Last modification: 12 Sep 2006 (20:43 UTC)
Please note that the TreasuryPackage is still in it's testing phase. it hasn't been tested much yet and things might be unstable.

Download and install new site or icon style

Download the style you wish to try and copy it to your styles directory

Styles Directories

// site styles directory

// icon styles directory

All you need to do now is extract the archive and visit the Admin --> Themes --> Themes Manager to apply it

Upload new site or icon style

If you haven't created a new site or icon style yet, but want to, please visit ThemesTutorial, StyleLayouts and IconStyles for details.

Site styles

If you've already created your own style I assume you know where to find them:

Site Style Directory

// Site Styles
cd themes/styles/

Preparing a site style for upload

The easiest is to look at existing styles to see how they are set up and what they should contain. Here is a short description of what a site style called foo should generally look like:

Site style required files

A site style requires an appropriately named CSS file.

Site Style called foo

// Required files

Site style recommended files

To provide information on the Themes Manager page, we recommend you include a brief description of the style and who designed it - please provide the license if appropriate and a preview image. The preview image should not exceed 160 pixels in width.

Site Style called foo

// Recommended files

Site style optional files for the upload

You can place some screen shots or related images into the style_info directory. This will help users decide on what style they want to use. Only a total of 3 of the screen shots will be used by bitweaver. You need to name them like this:
  1. screenshot1.<ext>
  2. screenshot2.<ext>
  3. ...

Site Style called foo

// Optional - purely for the upload

Icon styles

As you probably already know, icon styles are found here

Icon Style Directory

// Icon Styles
cd themes/icon_styles/

Icon style required files

Strictly speaking there are no required files in the icon style directory. All you need is correctly named icons in the large/ and small/ subdirectories.

Icon style recommended files

The optional files work the same way as they do with the site styles. Please see recommended files and optional files above.

Create the archive

Please go to the directory containing the style(s) you want to upload and create an archive of the directory. There you should create an archive of the styles you want to share - please only put one style per archive.

Creating the archive

// create the archive
tar -zxf <my_style>.tar.gz <my_style>

The archives can be of varying types including these common ones: zip, rar, tar, gzip, bz2, tar.gz ...

Upload style

Now you can upload your custom styles in the appropriate gallery by visiting the upload page. Please make sure you check the checkbos that this is a style of some sort. This will extract the preview image and the screenshots to make them available for viewing.
