History of SchemaChangelog

Comparing versions
Version 41Current version

Schema changes

This is an ongoing list of *any* changes to *any* DataDict array in a schema_inc in *any* package.

22-JUN-2005 ReleaseOne final ships! cvs branch R1 created
21-JUN-2005 bitweaver / TikiPro name change
postgres UPDATE:

ALTER TABLE users_grouppermissions DROP CONSTRAINT users_groupperm_perm_ref;
ALTER TABLE tiki_content DROP CONSTRAINT tiki_content_type_ref;
ALTER TABLE tiki_attachments DROP CONSTRAINT tiki_attachment_type_ref;

UPDATE tiki_module_map SET module_rsrc=replace(module_rsrc, 'tikipackage', 'bitpackage');
UPDATE tiki_content_types SET content_type_guid=replace(content_type_guid,'tiki','bit');
UPDATE tiki_content SET content_type_guid=replace(content_type_guid,'tiki','bit');
UPDATE users_grouppermissions SET perm_name=replace(perm_name,'tiki_','bit_');
UPDATE users_permissions SET perm_name=replace(perm_name,'tiki_','bit_');
UPDATE users_objectpermissions SET perm_name=replace(perm_name,'tiki_','bit_');
UPDATE tiki_plugins SET plugin_guid='bitfile' WHERE plugin_guid='tiki_files';
UPDATE tiki_attachments SET attachment_plugin_guid='bitfile' WHERE attachment_plugin_guid='tiki_files';
postgres UPDATE:

ALTER TABLE tiki_content ADD CONSTRAINT "tiki_content_type_ref" FOREIGN KEY (content_type_guid) REFERENCES tiki_content_types(content_type_guid
ALTER TABLE users_grouppermissions ADD CONSTRAINT "users_groupperm_perm_ref" FOREIGN KEY (perm_name) REFERENCES users_permissions(perm_name);
ALTER TABLE tiki_attachments ADD CONSTRAINT "tiki_attachment_type_ref" FOREIGN KEY (attachment_plugin_guid) REFERENCES tiki_plugins(plugin_guid
10-JUN-2005 categories migrate all columns in object_type to CONTENT_TYPE_GUID's spider

UPDATE tiki_categorized_objects SET object_type='tikiblogpost' WHERE object_type='blogpost';
20-MAY-2005 fisheye Add possiblity to hide tabs and tool buttons from users xing

INSERT INTO users_permissions (perm_name, perm_desc, level, package) VALUES('tiki_p_view_tabs_and_tools', 'Can view tab and tool links', 'registered', 'users');
19-MAY-2005 fisheye Add granular user administration perms spiderr

INSERT INTO users_permissions (perm_name, perm_desc, level, package) VALUES('tiki_p_edit_users', 'Can edit the information for other users', 'admin', 'users');
13-MAY-2005 ReleaseOne Beta 2 Released
12-MAY-2005 languages gut unused translation tables from Beta 1 for increased scale spiderr

CREATE TABLE tiki_i18n_languages ( lang_code VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, native_name VARCHAR(255), english_name VARCHAR(255), is_disabled VARCHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY (lang_code) );
CREATE TABLE tiki_i18n_masters ( source_hash VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, package VARCHAR(100), created INT8 NOT NULL, source TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (source_hash) );
CREATE TABLE tiki_i18n_strings ( source_hash VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, lang_code VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, last_modified INT8 NOT NULL, tran TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (source_hash, lang_code) );
CREATE TABLE tiki_i18n_version_map ( source_hash VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, version VARCHAR(32), PRIMARY KEY (source_hash) );
09-MAY-2005 fisheye Restrict changing fisheye gallery thumbnail size spiderr

INSERT INTO users_permissions (perm_name, perm_desc, level, package) VALUES('tiki_p_change_thumbnail_size', 'Can change gallery thumbnail image sizes.', 'editors', 'fisheye');
07-APR-2005 liberty set default value of hits to NOTNULL that increasing hits works xing

UPDATE tiki_content SET hits=0 WHERE hits is NULL
09-MAR-2005 liberty Permission added for printing
INSERT INTO users_permissions (perm_name, perm_desc, level, package) VALUES('tiki_p_print', 'Can print content', 'basic', 'liberty');
01-MAR-2005 ReleaseOne Beta 1 Released
26-FEB-2005 liberty & pdf new permission to control attachment, and centralize pdf generation to a permission, not a feature

INSERT INTO users_permissions (perm_name, perm_desc, level, package) VALUES('tiki_p_content_attachments', 'Can create content attachments', 'registered', 'liberty');
insert into users_permissions (perm_name,perm_desc,level,package) VALUES ('tiki_p_pdf_generation', 'Can create PDF\'s from ', 'registered', 'pdf');
23-FEB-2005 pdf new permission for PDF
Sql92 UPDATE: {CODE(in=>sql)}
INSERT INTO users_permissions (perm_name,perm_desc,level,package) VALUES ('tiki_p_pdf_generation', 'Can create PDF files', 'registered', 'pdf');
15-FEB-2005 fisheye Fisheye has not been released, however hear are a few changes for anyone running out of CVS
Sql92 UPDATE: {CODE(in=>sql)}
ALTER TABLE tiki_fisheye_thumbnail_queue RENAME TO tiki_thumbnail_queue;
ALTER TABLE tiki_thumbnail_queue RENAME image_id TO content_id;
ALTER TABLE tiki_thumbnail_queue RENAME creation_date TO queue_date;
ALTER TABLE tiki_fisheye_image ADD photo_date int8;
28-JAN-2005 new perms Added some new permissions, schema was *not* changed
Sql92 UPDATE: {CODE(in=>sql)}
INSERT INTO users_permissions VALUES ( 'tiki_p_user_group_perms', 'Can assign permissions to personal groups', 'editors', 'users' );
INSERT INTO users_permissions VALUES ('tiki_p_user_group_members', 'Can assign users to personal groups', 'registered', 'users' );
INSERT INTO users_permissions VALUES ('tiki_p_user_group_subgroups', 'Can include other groups in groups', 'editors', 'users' );
bitweaver -CLYDE- Alpha4 Shipped
21-DEC-2004 group changes converted all group_name foreign keys to group_id to meet CLYDE requirements of immutable foreign keys
Sql92 UPDATE: {CODE(in=>sql)}
ALTER TABLE users_groups ADD COLUMN user_id INT;
UPDATE users_groups SET user_id=2;
ALTER TABLE users_groups ALTER user_id SET NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE users_groups ADD COLUMN group_id INT;
CREATE SEQUENCE users_groups_id_seq;
UPDATE users_groups SET group_id=-1 WHERE group_name='Anonymous';
UPDATE users_groups SET group_id=nextval('users_groups_id_seq') WHERE group_id IS NULL;
ALTER TABLE users_groups ALTER group_id SET NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE users_grouppermissions ADD COLUMN group_id INT;
UPDATE users_grouppermissions SET group_id=(SELECT group_id FROM users_groups WHERE group_name=users_grouppermissions.group_name);
ALTER TABLE users_grouppermissions ALTER group_id SET NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE users_grouppermissions DROP COLUMN group_name;
ALTER TABLE users_objectpermissions ADD COLUMN group_id INT;
UPDATE users_objectpermissions SET group_id=(SELECT group_id FROM users_groups WHERE group_name=users_objectpermissions.group_name);
ALTER TABLE users_objectpermissions ALTER group_id SET NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE users_objectpermissions DROP COLUMN group_name;
ALTER TABLE users_usergroups RENAME TO users_groups_map;
-- Alternatively: CREATE TABLE users_groups_map ( user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, group_id INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (user_id, group_id) );
ALTER TABLE users_groups_map ADD COLUMN group_id INT;
UPDATE users_groups_map SET group_id=(SELECT group_id FROM users_groups WHERE group_name=users_groups_map.group_name);
ALTER TABLE users_groups_map ALTER group_id SET NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE users_groups_map DROP COLUMN group_name;
ALTER TABLE tiki_group_inclusion RENAME TO users_groups_inclusion;
ALTER TABLE users_groups_inclusion ADD COLUMN group_id INT;
UPDATE users_groups_inclusion SET group_id=(SELECT group_id FROM users_groups WHERE group_name=users_groups_inclusion.group_name);
ALTER TABLE users_groups_inclusion ALTER group_id SET NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE users_groups_inclusion DROP COLUMN group_name;
ALTER TABLE users_groups_inclusion ADD COLUMN include_group_id INT;
UPDATE users_groups_inclusion SET include_group_id=(SELECT group_id FROM users_groups WHERE group_name=users_groups_inclusion.include_group);
ALTER TABLE users_groups_inclusion ALTER include_group_id SET NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE users_groups_inclusion DROP COLUMN include_group;
ALTER TABLE users_users ADD COLUMN default_group_id INT;
UPDATE users_users SET default_group_id=(SELECT group_id FROM users_groups WHERE group_name=users_users.default_group);
ALTER TABLE users_users DROP COLUMN default_group;
bitweaver ReleaseOne Alpha3 Shipped
2-DEC-2004 tiki_categorized_objects standardized naming and type to match user_objectpermissions spiderr
Sql92 UPDATE: {CODE(in=>sql)}
ALTER TABLE tiki_categorized_objects RENAME type TO object_type;
ALTER TABLE tiki_categorized_objects ADD COLUMN object_id INTEGER;
UPDATE tiki_categorized_objects SET object_id=(SELECT content_id FROM tiki_blog_posts WHERE post_id=tiki_categorized_objects.obj_id);
UPDATE tiki_categorized_objects SET object_type='tikiblogpost' WHERE object_type='blogpost';
UPDATE tiki_categorized_objects SET object_id=(SELECT content_id FROM tiki_content WHERE title=tiki_categorized_objects.obj_id AND content_type_guid='tikipage');
UPDATE tiki_categorized_objects SET object_type='tikipage' WHERE object_type='wiki page';
ALTER TABLE tiki_categorized_objects ALTER object_id SET NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE tiki_categorized_objects DROP obj_id;
MySQL UPDATE: Note: Due to mysql < 4.1 *NOT* supported subselects, you will loose any categorized objects. If you don't want to do this, you will need to get upgraded to MySQL 4.1 and run the updates from the above SQL92 code block. {CODE(in=>sql)}
DELETE FROM tiki_categorized_objects;
ALTER TABLE tiki_categorized_objects CHANGE `type` TO `object_type` VARCHAR(20);
ALTER TABLE tiki_categorized_objects ADD COLUMN object_id INTEGER;
ALTER TABLE tiki_categorized_objects CHANGE object_id object_id INTEGER NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE tiki_categorized_objects DROP obj_id;
1-DEC-2004 users_objectpermissions Changed object_id to be of type I4. Added object_type to be part of the primary key drewslater
29-NOV-2004 tiki_history added format_guid so that format can change between versions spiderr
29-NOV-2004 tiki_blobs added user_id column after much pondering with drewslater spiderr
29-NOV-2004 tiki_files added user_id column after much pondering with drewslater spiderr
tiki_semaphores was accidentally removed. added back, and some columns renamed for minimal name collision spiderr
18-NOV-2004 tiki_copyrights overlooked user_name converted to user_id spiderr
tiki_semaphores was accidentally removed. added back, and some columns renamed for minimal name collision spiderr
tiki_tags data column changed from BLOB to standard TEXT spiderr
tiki_content_types now has complete columns to reverse engineer an content_id spiderr
tiki_plugins has maintainer_url added spider
tiki_structures was moved to Liberty from wiki and generalized with content_id's spider


bitweaver ReleaseThree Schema & Structural changes

17-APR-2010 liberty plural content name support /will

Add pos column

ALTER TABLE liberty_content_types RENAME COLUMN content_description TO content_name;
ALTER TABLE liberty_content_types ADD COLUMN content_name_plural VARCHAR(250);

  • Change content type hash references from content_description to content_name
  • Change hash key content_description passed to LibertyContent::getTitle to content_name
  • Better than changing content_description to content_name is to change hash references to use the get methods of LibertyContent or LibertySystem with the content_type_guid
    ::getContentTypeNameplural_version:boolean )
    LibertySystem::getContentTypeNamecontent_type_guid:stringplural_version:boolean )
    These return the singular by default when the optional 'plural_version' param is not set
  • Change sql selects from liberty_content_type for content_description to content_name and add content_name_plural if desired
  • Update registerContentType in class declarations - change content_description to content_name; you can also add content_name_plural to your class if you wish to add a unique plural of the name, otherwise a default one will be created from the singular by appending an 's' to the end. For example by default a content_name of 'Image' will have a plural of 'Images'. You'll want to set the plural value in cases where appending 's' doesnt not just work; for example words that end in 'y', like 'Gallery' you can specificy the plural as 'Galleries'. For those managing content such as wild animals, like 'Moose' with bitweaver, you would want to declare a plural that is same as the singular: Moose; otherwise bitweaver would create 'Mooses' for you.

  • Use of javascript functions in utils/javascript/bitweaver.js should now always be prefaced with the "BitBase." namespace, ala "BitBase.insertAt('foo')", also toggle & flip are replaced with toggleElementDisplay. See bitweaver.js deprecated functions for more. To find deprecated functions, you can run this bash script:
    for func in addLoadHook setCookieArray getCookieArray setCookie getCookie deleteCookie flip toggle setupShowHide utf16to8 utf8to16 serialize unserialize genPass toggle_dynamic_var setSelectionRange setCaretToPos  insertAt showById hideById flipMulti flipIcon setFlipIcon flipWithSign setFlipWithSign getElementValue setElementValue switchCheckboxes disableSubmit go popUpWin closeWin
            echo "CHECKING FOR FUNCTION $func"
            grep -r "$func[ ]*(" */templates/*tpl |grep -v BitBase
  • Logic files no longer should require the root 'bit_setup_inc.php' to start up bitweaver, but instead use a relative pathing mechanism to require_once( '../kernel/setup_inc.php' ); If you have your own code, you can update it with:
    find . -name "*.php" -exec perl -i -wpe 's/\.\.\/bit_setup_inc\.php/..\/kernel\/setup_inc.php/g' {} \;

bitweaver ReleaseTwo Schema changes

This is an ongoing list of any changes to any DataDict array in a schema_inc in any package (except: BitcommercePackage ).

These are ReleaseTwo database changes. DO NOT USE these changes if you are on ReleaseOne. If you need to know the changes for ReleaseOne, see the ReleaseOneSchemaChangelog. If you are not sure what this is all about or how to use the information on this page, read the How To Use SchemaChangelog.

Due to the length of this page, we have split it in two, please consult the following pages for older schema changes:

23-NOV-2009 liberty Add pos column /lsces

Add pos column

ALTER TABLE liberty_content_links ADD COLUMN pos FLOAT;
23-NOV-2009 liberty Rename reads column /lsces

Rename reads column

ALTER TABLE mail_queue RENAME reads TO hits;

20-AUG-2009 boards Add section tables /spider

Add section tables

CREATE TABLE boards_sections (section_id INT PRIMARY KEY, section_title VARCHAR(255));
ALTER TABLE boards ADD COLUMN section_id INT;
24-MAR-2009 users,liberty,newsletters,semaphore Update ip columns to 39 chars for IPv6 support /spider

update columns for IPv6

ALTER TABLE liberty_content_history ALTER ip TYPE VARCHAR(39);
ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log ALTER ip TYPE VARCHAR(39);
ALTER TABLE shoutbox ALTER shout_ip TYPE VARCHAR(39);
ALTER TABLE mail_queue ALTER last_read_ip TYPE VARCHAR(39);

update columns for IPv6

ALTER TABLE liberty_content_history MODIFY ip VARCHAR(39);
ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log MODIFY ip VARCHAR(39);
ALTER TABLE shoutbox MODIFY shout_ip VARCHAR(39);
ALTER TABLE mail_queue MODIFY last_read_ip VARCHAR(39);

update columns for IPv6

ALTER TABLE liberty_content_history MODIFY (ip TYPE VARCHAR2(39));
ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log MODIFY (ip TYPE VARCHAR2(39));
ALTER TABLE shoutbox MODIFY (shout_ip TYPE VARCHAR2(39);
ALTER TABLE mail_queue MODIFY (last_read_ip TYPE VARCHAR2(39);
13-NOV-2008 wiki Drop unused wiki tables /xing

Drop unused wiki tables

DROP TABLE wiki_received_pages;
DROP TABLE wiki_tags;
DROP TABLE wiki_ext;
12-NOV-2008 liberty fix column types /SpOOnman

fix column types

ALTER TABLE liberty_content_history ALTER COLUMN user_id TYPE INTEGER;
--pgsql use:
ALTER TABLE liberty_content_history ALTER COLUMN user_id TYPE INTEGER USING user_id::int;
ALTER TABLE wiki_footnotes ALTER COLUMN user_id TYPE INTEGER USING user_id::int;
--mysql use:
ALTER TABLE `liberty_content_history` CHANGE `user_id` `user_id` INTEGER;
ALTER TABLE `wiki_footnotes` CHANGE `user_id` `user_id` INTEGER;
14-AUG-2008 gmap update icon table to have a theme_id association /wjames5

longer maptype descriptions.

ALTER TABLE gmaps_maptypes ALTER COLUMN description TYPE TEXT;
--mysql use:
ALTER TABLE gmaps_maptypes CHANGE description description TEXT;
14-AUG-2008 gmap update icon table to have a theme_id association /wjames5

Add theme_id

ALTER TABLE gmaps_icon_styles ADD COLUMN theme_id INT4 NOT NULL;

-- NOTE: You must run the installer step 4 "Resolve Conflicts" to also add a new gmaps_icon_themes table before trying to add this constraint.
ALTER TABLE gmaps_icon_styles ADD CONSTRAINT gmaps_icon_theme_ref FOREIGN KEY (theme_id) REFERENCES gmaps_icon_themes(theme_id);
23-MAY-2008 liberty replace old unused meta tables with new ones /xing

Remove old unused tables and replace them with new ones

-- remove unused meta tables
DROP TABLE liberty_meta_content_map;
DROP TABLE liberty_meta_data;
DROP TABLE liberty_meta_types;

-- add new meta tables
-- Expand TEXT as appropriate ( FB -> BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT )
CREATE TABLE liberty_attachment_meta_data (
    attachment_id INT NOT NULL,
    meta_type_id INT NOT NULL,
    meta_title_id INT NOT NULL,
    meta_value TEXT
CREATE TABLE liberty_meta_types (
    meta_type_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    meta_type VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE liberty_meta_titles (
    meta_title_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    meta_title VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE liberty_attachment_meta_data ADD CONSTRAINT lib_attachment_meta_id_ref FOREIGN KEY (attachment_id) REFERENCES liberty_attachments(attachment_id);
ALTER TABLE liberty_attachment_meta_data ADD CONSTRAINT lib_attachment_meta_type_ref FOREIGN KEY (meta_type_id) REFERENCES liberty_meta_types(meta_type_id);
ALTER TABLE liberty_attachment_meta_data ADD CONSTRAINT lib_attachment_meta_title_ref FOREIGN KEY (meta_title_id) REFERENCES liberty_meta_titles(meta_title_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lib_attachment_meta_idx ON liberty_attachment_meta_data(attachment_id,meta_type_id,meta_title_id);
10-MAY-2008 liberty add a liberty_attachment_prefs table /xing

CREATE TABLE liberty_attachment_prefs (
    attachment_id INT,
    pref_name VARCHAR(40),
    pref_value VARCHAR(250)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX liberty_att_prefs_att_name_idx ON liberty_attachment_prefs(attachment_id,pref_name);
CREATE INDEX liberty_att_prefs_att_idx ON liberty_attachment_prefs(attachment_id);
ALTER TABLE liberty_attachment_prefs ADD CONSTRAINT lib_att_prefs_content_ref FOREIGN KEY (attachment_id) REFERENCES liberty_attachments(attachment_id);

Page History
21 Apr 2010 (15:51 UTC)
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Tyler Bello69.134.250.112324
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Tyler Bello69.134.250.112323
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Tyler Bello69.134.250.112322
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Daniel Sutcliffe71.161.102.6321
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Lester Caine81.138.11.136320
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Lester Caine81.138.11.136303
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