Add On Features

Bitweaver Packages that you can add to your install

Created by: Will, Last modification: 30 Apr 2010 (07:38 UTC) by Lester Caine

This is a list of Packages that are not included in the official releases of Bitweaver, but can be added later on. To use these Packages, getcode. Note that they are in various stages of development. Before installing any of them, check its documentation. If you need further information, or are interested in woking on any of these packages, please get in touch with the package's lead developer.

Add On Packages

Package Name Description Status
BitcommercePackage e-commerce system by Currently in late Alpha, but is considered ready for production for advanced users
BitsheetsPackage online spreadsheet package Port of the TikiSheets package from TikiWiki by /wolffy
EventsPackage Events integrated with the CalendarPackage /lester is is working on this - will likely be a part of ReleaseTwo
GroupsPackage Users create groups. Dependencies: LibertySecurePackage, ModCommentsPackage, SwitchboardPackage, ModerationsPackage Currently in Beta
LibertySecurePackage Ads additional layer of security to content In beta
HotwordsPackage Automatically create hotlinks from predefined keywords R2 compatible
LucenePackage High speed searching from the Lucene project Massive search scaling using tools from Lucene - /spider
MetaPackage Assign key and value pairs to R2 compatible
ModCommentsPackage Hold comments for moderation either on a page by page basis or across a whole site In beta
ModerationsPackage A service package other packages can use to register events and content requiring moderation (see ModComments) In beta
MultisitesPackage Handle multiple domains with a single bitweaver installation
PodcastsPackage Create podcast feeds R2.1 compatible
ReBlogPackageRSS Feed Aggregator that turns RSS Feed Items into Blog Posts R2 compatible
StickiesPackage Personal notation system that allows users to attach notes to LibertyContent R2 compatible
StylistPackage UI customization package Once working, it's creator /xing has sent it back to the drawing board where it awaits more contributors
SitehomePackage Custom home page Create a custom home page using all of bitweavers features plus a clean url
SwitchboardPackage A service package other packages can use to send emails, messages, and other forms of communication In beta
TinyMCEPackage Rich Text editor
XmlrpcPackage XMLRPC communications library R2 compatible
YellowpagesPackage Manages listings of stuff Development has just started

Feature Boneyard

Developers: You may also be interested in our Features Boneyard which has a great deal of usable code but requires updating to be compatible with Bitweaver.

Official Packages

If you are not looking for add on features, but for the Packages that are included with official versions of Bitweaver, visit the page Bitweaver Features.


Packages that used to be add on features and are now included in Bitweaver releases:

Package Name Description included in
GmapPackage Google Maps integrated package R2
PdfPackageGenerate PDF documents from all LibertyContent 1.3
QuicktagsPackageCustomizable editing toolbars 1.3
SmileysPackageEditing toolbars to insert emoticons 1.3
StickiesPackage Personal notation system that allows users to attach notes to LibertyContent 1.3


Gmap Package

by Max Bailey, 19 Jan 2007 (02:40 UTC)
How do access/download this package?

Re: Gmap Package

by Kozuch, 21 Apr 2007 (11:21 UTC)
You probably want to use CVS to download _bit_gmap package. See GetCode.

Where to download?

by Chris, 30 Jul 2008 (10:33 UTC)
Maybe I'm being stupid again but where are we to download these add-on packages from? Where do I get Hotwords for example? Do I have also to use CVS - seems a bit extreme....

Re: Where to download?

by charles, 18 Oct 2008 (09:19 UTC)
No, it's not a stupid question. Don't diminish yourself. In fact even the Bitweaver developers are still struggling to find the answer to this question. (:smile:)
Think about it, it's now been 3 months, and nobody has found an answer.
This would be a good item to "pin" to the top of this page - no?

If I had to venture a guess; I'd answer that it can be installed by re-running the BW installer again, and selecting the "packages" tab. Then selecting this package. But then again, if it wasn't available when your version was released, or it is a "3rd party" package, that obviously won't work.
Note to site admin:
Please provide information for users to access these
packages, so users can actually use them.
These packages will surely be a great deal more popular if they can actually be used - no? (:wink:)

Best wishes.


Re: Where to download?

by Kozuch, 18 Oct 2008 (09:51 UTC)

Re: Where to download?

by charles, 18 Oct 2008 (12:19 UTC)
Had I not already been up for 1.5 days now, I probably would have figured that out on my own. (:rolleyes:)

Thanks again, and sorry for the noise!


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