
a guide on how to install phpbb the bitweaver way

Created by: xing, Last modification: 24 Jun 2005 (00:15 UTC)
i'm not a phpbb user, so please help me out with this brief tutorial.


download bitweaver, install it with the desired options. after a clean install, you will end up with a page that displays a link to forums in the top menu bar.

this will direct you to the installation pages of phpbb. follow the phpbb installation instructions. you can use the same database as your bitweaver install by using different prefixes.

once you have saved the config file in the correct place, you need to visit, where it will tell you to delete some folders.

now that you can see the forum in all it's glory, we're only a few steps away from a fully integrated phpbb forum!

Install subMsive Theme

next, we want to apply a theme that inherits all definitions from the bitweaver theme. this means that whatever styling is applied to the bitweaver theme, will also change the style of your phpbb forums, fully integrating phpbb functionally as well as visually.

go to the phpbb admin panel and click on the Add link in the Styles Admin panel. install the subMsive theme. next, we need to apply the theme.

Apply subMsive Theme

this can be done by clicking on the Configuration link in the General Admin panel. apply the subMsive theme as the default theme and override user themes to make sure this theme is applied at all times.

now, everything should be ready and you can return to to view the results.