This is documentation of the process used while porting Trackers V2 from TikiWiki 1.9 to bitweaver.
Created by: Stephan Borg, Last modification: 18 May 2008 (20:42 UTC) by laetzer
Create the Directories
Well, first thing I'll do is create sub-dirs under my bitweaver install as per Fire's Tutorial_Custom_package.
$ mkdir trackers2
$ mkdir trackers2/admin
$ mkdir trackers2/icons
$ mkdir trackers2/modules
$ mkdir trackers2/plugins
$ mkdir trackers2/templates
Copying the Files
First thing I'll do is copy the trackers library, root php files, modules and templates. I've used the '...' to indicate the previous command but with a different filename for brevity.Libraries
$ cp ../tw-1.9/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php trackers2
Root files (non-admin)
$ cp ../tw-1.9/tiki-list_trackers.php trackers2
Root files (admin)
$ cp ../tw-1.9/tiki-admin_include_trackers.php trackers2/admin
$ cp ../tw-1.9/img/icons/admin_trackers.png trackers2/icons
$ cp ../tw-1.9/modules/mod-last_modif_tracker_items.php trackers2/modules
Templates (modules)
$ cp ../tw-1.9/templates/modules/mod-last_modif_tracker_items.tpl trackers2/modules
Wiki Plugins
$ cp ../tw-1.9/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php trackers2/plugins
Templates (non-modules)
cp ../tw-1.9/templates/tiki-admin-include-trackers.tpl trackers2/templates
Templates (notifications)
$ cp ../tw-1.9/templates/mail/tracker_changed_notification.tpl trackers2/templates
Renaming files
Its BW practise to remove the tiki- prefix from all PHP and Smarty templates.
cd trakers2
find . | grep tiki- | sed -re "s/^(\S*)tiki\-(\S*)$/mv \1tiki-\2 \1\2/g" > tmp && sh tmp && rm tmp
Dirty but it works ;-)
Lets start with an index page. By default, we want list trackers to be the index page. Rather than rename the page, I'd suggest creating a new index.php file, and using a Location header to redirect to your preferred start page.
header ("location: sheets.php");
Okay - all references to tiki-setup.php must be changed to ../bit_setup_inc.php. I've used a PERL command that will find and replace all instances of tiki-setup.php to ../bit_setup_inc.php in all *.php files under trackers2 directory.
$ perl -i -pe 's/tiki-setup.php/..\/bit_setup_inc.php/g' `find trackers2 -type f -name '*.php'`
Now create a bit_setup_inc.php file in the trackers2 directory. I've used the trackers/bit_setup_inc.php file as a template.
// Initialise global variables
global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser;
// Register package with kernel
$gBitSystem->registerPackage( 'Trackers v2', dirname( __FILE__ ).'/' );
// If package is installed
if( $gBitSystem->isPackageActive( 'trackers2' ) )
// Register user menu
$gBitSystem->registerAppMenu( TRACKERS2_PKG_DIR, TRACKERS2_PKG_NAME, TRACKERS2_PKG_URL.'index.php',
'bitpackage:trackers2/menu_trackers.tpl', true );
Okay - all references to lib/trackers/trackerlib.php must be changed to TRACKERS2_PKG_PATH.'tracker_lib.php'. Once again, we will use a PERL find and replace.
$ perl -i -pe "s/\'lib\/trackers\//TRACKERS2_PKG_PATH.\'/g" `find trackers2 -type f -name '*.php'`
Field and Variable Names
One standard we have changed from TikiWiki, is the variable naming convention. All fields and variables now use underscores and standard suffixes identifying the data type.trackerId => tracker_id
lastModif => last_modified
showCreated => show_created
showStatus => show_status
showLastModif => show_last_modified
You can use a PERL find and replace to do mass changes:
$ perl -i -pe "s/trackerId/tracker_id/g" `find trackers2 -type f`