Created by: mikelcu, Last modification: 13 Feb 2004 (13:04 UTC)
While I am thinking about this I will write it down. Here is a concept for modular theming that I know works.
All themes are modular, including the default theme.
Every theme would be stored in a logical directory structure under a main themes directory. The organization would look something like this:
The file organization is relatively simple and self-explanatory, and would use the same order of preference that tiki uses currently, with 2 possible changes:
1) signifigant style areas should have their CSS split into multiple files, to offer the user the option of customizing a particular area via css. This would work just like templates now: if(user_css_for_this_area_exists) { use_user_css } else { use_default_css } This improve performance by not sending one gigantic CSS file for every page viewed (the CSS I'm using right now is 100k!! and the average size of is about 50k...for every page load)
2) CSS files could be piped through smarty. This may or may not be needed, but it is an option to alter values in a CSS based on browser version. The other (preferable) option here would be to add a browser variable to the data that gets passed to smarty. This way users could customize header.tpl, use the existing USER_AGENT info passed to smarty, and call one or more different CSS files from there. (modular CSS would shine in this case).
In order for truly modular theming to work, a few prerequisites must also be met by the default templates:
This includes tables, which except in the case of tables that are absolutely required (which none really are). What the templates should do is provide containers in which to display the data.
All themes are modular, including the default theme.
Every theme would be stored in a logical directory structure under a main themes directory. The organization would look something like this:
The file organization is relatively simple and self-explanatory, and would use the same order of preference that tiki uses currently, with 2 possible changes:
1) signifigant style areas should have their CSS split into multiple files, to offer the user the option of customizing a particular area via css. This would work just like templates now: if(user_css_for_this_area_exists) { use_user_css } else { use_default_css } This improve performance by not sending one gigantic CSS file for every page viewed (the CSS I'm using right now is 100k!! and the average size of is about 50k...for every page load)
2) CSS files could be piped through smarty. This may or may not be needed, but it is an option to alter values in a CSS based on browser version. The other (preferable) option here would be to add a browser variable to the data that gets passed to smarty. This way users could customize header.tpl, use the existing USER_AGENT info passed to smarty, and call one or more different CSS files from there. (modular CSS would shine in this case).
In order for truly modular theming to work, a few prerequisites must also be met by the default templates:
Nearly ALL formatting must be removed from the templates
This includes tables, which except in the case of tables that are absolutely required (which none really are). What the templates should do is provide containers in which to display the data.
tags can replace most table tags, with corresponding CSS for the actual layout. What this allows the user to do is take any piece of output data and move it around anywhere on the page without ever touching the (X)HTML. When the CSS is modularized in a nice easy way (think colors.css, layout.css, mainpage.css) It will be trivial for user to take an out-of-the-box tiki install and reshape it to look like anything they want.